Monday, June 7, 2010

Tub o Almond Butter in my Tummy

So, first things first, WOD....Crossfit Total

Hatrid. Mostly because 1/3 of it is back squats and we all know how troublesome those still are for me. Well anyways, I did those fairly light on a box. For shoulder press I matched my PR of 75. Not stellar but OK. Deadlift is Wednesday and I'm hoping for some big numbers.

So a week ago today I started my Paleo adventure. I stepped on a scale at my doctor's office today and was shocked to see that I was 5 lbs lighter than I was a week ago. So essentially I've lost 5 lbs of cookie weight. I think the last time I weighed this was in high school. I just want to make sure my strength stays with the lighter weight.

Today Paleo wise went well. After my healthy dinner of shrimp, brussell sprouts, and mushrooms I was still insanely hungry. So I grabbed a spoon and went to town on the tub of almond butter. Yummy in my tummy. : )

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, you keep talking about this butter, I think I will try finding it to try it out :o)
