Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dates and the Mexican Food Resistance

Hi Folks. Sorry it's been a while. I've been feeling pretty drained after work and I spend 75% of my day in front of a computer so coming home and being on a computer isnt the first thing I want to do. Anyhow, here are a few workouts from this week.

Practice speed and agility drills.

5 rounds for time:
40 Double Unders
20 DB Power Snatch
M:50 F:35

Used 30 lbs for the DB. Finished in 9:50. This one felt good because I LOVE both of those movements.


3 rounds for time:
400m Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pullups
M:24kg F:16kg

Finished in 10:55. Was the first one in the class done which made me happy since that normally does not happen. Wohoo. I am pretty good at all these movements too. Need to get better at doing pull ups and KB Swings unbroken.

We had extra time since this is a quick metcon so Zack put a fun extra WOD together for us that involved a million lunges, push ups, sit ups, and box jumps.


Front Squat

10 rounds for time:
10 Wallball
5 Burpees
M:20 F:14

Finished up the squats at 95 lbs. Completed the WOD in like 13 something. I was the last one done. Wallballs. Pretty much the worst thing ever in my book. Oh yeah, also did tabata squats in the warm up. Super fun.

Ill be headed to CF tomorrow AM and then taking Friday off to rest up for the Garage Gym Throwdown on Saturday. I did yoga Tuesday evening and will also do it Thursday evening. Feeling pretty good so far. I'm still LOVING yoga. It feels amazing and I've noticed some real changes in my body.

The Paleo diet has been going awesome. I have tons of energy and have recently dealt with an onslaught of Mexican food deliveries at work. I've stayed strong! Really though, a giant container of enchiladas and bags of chips don't tempt me that much anymore. I was happy to eat the food I made at home and I'm pretty certain it tasted better. At one of the lunches I noticed one of the new Residents was also resisting the mexican. He had a giant bag of carrots in front of him he was snacking on. Not the cute little cut up carrots. The carrots the way they look when they come out of the ground. It was funny and reminded me of PJ. Looks like I might have found a crappy food at work resistance buddy.

I've fallen in love with Dates. I have 2 or 3 after dinner and they seem to satisfy my sweet tooth and are just plan yummy! If you have never tried them I triple dog dare you too. I know they look like cockroaches but they don't taste like one.

I'll be back sooner rather than later this time...

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