Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday = hooray!

Push Press
5 x 3
90 was ugly. I'm not so great at these. Need to get a long more aggresive.

3 rounds for time:
30 lateral Jumps over a pirouette bar
7 HSPU (with blue and red band)
10 Hang Powerclean (75#)
M:135 F:95

10:37 I think. 6 A.M was a long time ago and I forget to write down my times. I am not great at jumping. Those lateral jumps took longer than the should have.

Bikram yoga this evening. I'm getting better at balancing. Yay! Hip flexibility is still lame.

Paleo day 3. Easy.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I love the end! "Paleo Day 3. Easy" Hope it's going to be smooth sailing all the way through! Say no to those drug rep cookies!
