100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. -Henry David Thoreau-
Kb Clean & Press
Skill:KB walks; One arm rack, one arm over head, one arm farmer walk (Walk for distance then switch arms in each of the given movements)
3 rounds for time:
800m run
7 bear complex
I'm tired now. More later.
Skill: Dual KB clean and Press 5x5
Skill: Med Ball Clean
RULES: All reps listed below are the total number completed by the team. A minimum of 5 reps must be completed per team member.All athletes will run down the right-side of the garage to perform the exercises. All spectators will spectate/walk/run on the left-side of garage.
Top Floor- 40 tire burpees with lateral jump in a designated parking spot (tire weight: 15lbs) Run down the ramp to Level 3 with tire.
Level 3-60 sandbag shoulders- each time the sandbag goes to the shoulder is counted as a rep (sandbag weight: 20lbs) Run down to Level 2 with tire & sandbag
Level 2-
80 kettlebell American swings
Run down to bottom level with tire, sandbag, & KB
· Men teams: 24kg; Coed teams: 16kg; Women teams: 12kg
Bottom Level-
20 med ball shots—med ball must hit target marked on the wall to count as a rep (med ball weight: 6lbs)
· First come, first serve for designated parking spots for the wall ball shots.
· Set the tire, sandbag, & KB in the center of the parking spot before performing the med ball shots. This equipment will be used again shortly for the Mini WOD listed below.
Mini WOD on Bottom Level-
3 rounds:
30 tire shoulder press- head goes through center of tire
30 sandbag sprawl to overhead
30 KB front squat to med ball- rear must touch med ball to count as a rep
Sprint back to the top with tire, sandbag, & KB.
Med ball will stay in the same place it was found.
At each level the equipment will be dropped back off in the original spot.
· Level 2- KB drop off
· Level 3- sandbag drop off
· Top floor- sprint through the finish line with tire