Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Elizabeth and a leisurely breakfast

Well today my alarm went off at 4:45 and I rolled over, got out of bed, took 2 steps, reset my alarm, and laid back in bed. I laid there for 5 minutes and then decided I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep so I might as well get up. The reason for getting back into bed? SHIN SPLITS! Ugh! My right shin is killing me. Not sure if it was the running yesterday or what but it freaking hurts. I ended up getting up and heading to CF and my shin didn't really hurt during the workout. Much more pain would be endured during the workout...ELIZABETH! Dun, dun, dun!

Cleans (full squat cleans)
Ring Dips

11:47. I used 75# for the cleans and a purple band for the dips. This is one of those workouts that looks 'easy' on paper but completely sucks.

Since I'm going to the conference today I have a leisurely morning and don't leave for work until 8 AM! So I cooked a yummy breakfast of eggs, bacon, broccoli, spinach, and avacado with a side of blueberries! While eating, I'm icing my right shin with some soybeans. Everyone have a nice Tuesday. I head to Bikram hot yoga after work and then Wednesday is an 'off' day.

The cure for shin splints...Frozen soybeans?

Bacon! The best way to start a morning.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of folks have been getting shin splints...I think it has something to with the heat! And maybe not getting enough salt into our diet with the excess of water we're taking in.
