Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What a day!

What a day.

Started early with CF.

12 jumping squats
8 clapping push ups
12 DB Snatches

This was a 'fun' one. I finished in 18 something I think. I did the clapping push ups from my knees so I did not break my face. Rx'd weight was 35 lbs for the DB and I managed 30 pretty well so that made me feel awesome. My body is really sore. I'm planning on soaking in some warm epsom salt in a bit and no CF tomorrow.

Today at work was just long. So long. I am finding it hard to believe it's only Tuesday evening. I did have some very good stuff happen today. I'll save any of the news for a private conversation vs a public forum. : )

I am looking forward to the rest of the week though. CF Central gym is closed for a week because most of the coaches went to the CF Games in LA. Tomorrow after work I'm headed to another Vinyasa class. Thursday afternoon I'm meeting up with Lory for a WOD at the local high school. Friday is a work happy hour.

I'm on day 43 of Paleo. I do plan on having a margarita Friday. Maybe that is another reason I'm so looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe it is only Tuesday either!

    And you definitely deserve a Margarita :)
